I am told to be early to the Sudanese embassy. I get there at 7.20 ..it opens at 8.
And there is a shepherd to keep you in line
I suddenly notice that some have their yellow fever books with them ..mine is in the hotel.. I'm back within an hour. The queue is now longer. I am told some were waiting at 0500. After an hour in the queue, it's 10.45. And they close when? I go to the big wooden entrance gate.. By chance it opens when I get there and 20 or so are let out. They have submitted their applications.
The guy in charge looks at me and an Ethiopian businessman and beckons to us. " What visa" I tell him" tourist" and the businessman "business" and we are in. An hour later, the forms filled in by embassy staff, blood group crossed through and they ask for my sponsor in Sudan. I give them the letter from the Acropole Hotel in Khartoum and they seem happy! We then wait another hour to pay and we are free.
I then go and visit the Egyptians.. told only E visa..
Using the hotel wifi I know this won't work.. I find an internet cafe.. very helpful. But the Egyptians want scanned copies of this, that and the other.. in jpeg format (whatever that is and file sizes not to exceed???) The Ethiopian owner of the cafe is confused like me.. He contacts a mate who is a fundi. It's all done.. except the application rejects my home address and the Australian embassy address in Cairo I'm using as my Egyptian contact.
After numerous tries my address is reduced to Australia.. And the embassy address is reduced to Cairo... because that's what works! Just under 3 hours..and so much fun.
Cost A$6. It's sent I get an email confirmation it has been received and is being reviewed.
12 hours later they want payment, I pay by credit card and within hours I've got it. Whew!!
I go to a very pleasant Turkish restaurant for dinner.. No Injera here.