Today is Meskel holiday and there is nothing going on. Addis is set in amongst the hills ..over 7000 feet above sea level. A city of ( hard to say as the planned census in 2017/18 was abandoned due to security issues) about 4 million..
I catch up on washing, internet etc and relax a bit. Try out the food and the coffee which is,
very good. The Ethiopians have a sweet tooth..There are lots of cake and pastry shops that are good and cheap.
I did manage to get to a traditional music and dance show.. colourful.
One of the things I noticed was the number of incomplete buildings in Addis.
There are hundreds. I was told by a local that many speculators start a building..don't have money to complete and wait for someone to buy.
You peel the outside off with your teeth.. and take a bite of the inner core ..chew, swallow, chew, swallow, and then spit out the pith.
I often wondered why goats would be on the roads, usually eating something off the road. .. Well one theory I have is that this cane is sold to people in the buses, who throw or spit out the chaff which ends up on the road.. a tasty morsel for goats.